Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Whatever you do...

Recently, I have become more aware of words. I know I am often half a bubble off when using descriptive words. One word that bothers me when I hear it spoken is "invalid." Does the speaker mean inVALid (the "a" sounds like catch) or does the speaker mean INvahlid (uh)? Which came first? or Are the two words even kinfolk?

From what I can learn, the description of a handicapped individual was first. Later, their passport or some other legal documents were stamped "invalid:" to indicate inability to fufill.

This is just the beginning of my blog, having been encouraged (yea, badgered) into starting one.



Patty said...

What do I win? Or am I disqualified since I named this thing?

betty said...

You win my undying respect!
