Sunday, September 30, 2007


It is time to admit to the world that I am a klutz, especially when it comes to shopping.

I have been known to leave cases of soda in the grocery cart. Worse yet, I recently arrived home without my purse. Yep, you guessed it...I left it in the cart, and some nice man turned it into the Customer Service lady for me.

Once, I even left a VERY nice golf club behind. This particular putter was John's Christmas present that I had taken to the golf shop to have shortened. Some dishonest person must have claimed ownership. My only hope is that the new owner is very tall and suffering from back strain.

On the other hand, I am reminded of a time when the family was in a very crowded hardware store. John kept David with him, and Patty rode on my back in a backpack. When John helped me remove the pack, it was discovered that my daughter had pilfered a boat anchor! Needless to say, we went directly back in the store to return the item.

Well...this week, I purchased a movie at Goodwill. I had seen the movie before, but someone asked if I'd stayed through all of the credits at the end of the movie. At the end of the credits, there was something revealed that would make anyone go back and rewatch the movie for clues of a thread that ran through the plot. Well, when I was explaining to John why I wanted to sit through a second viewing, I removed it from its box. Staring me right in the face was the title...200 Cigarettes! Not the one so eloquently described on the container. I came in and looked it up on the internet. Ben Afleck stars as a how bad could that be? The answer...pretty bad. As a natter of fact,,,downright awful.

We will not watch it, but my purchase will not be wasted. It will go perfectly with the can of road-kill possum at this year's White Elephant party for some lucky acquaintance.


G.Wyatt said...

So what was the movie SUPPOSED to be? And how in the world could Patty steal and boat anchor without you feeling it??

betty said...

movie was supposed to be 6th Sense; apparently the color red runs through the movie revealing new meaning.

The anchor was not a block of concrete; it was a double triangle that catches on the sea floor.
