Thursday, April 9, 2009

Helen Marie is coming...

My very best friend from 1st and 2nd grades is coming for a visit. Our family moved clear across country as soon as school was out after 2nd grade. As I recall, I spent one night with her when we were both 16, and that was our only contact through the years. Truth be told, she was on a date most of that visit.

Anyway, when my brother(Sam)attended his wife's (Billie Jo) 50th class reunion, he spent much of his evening visiting with Helen Marie, whose husband (Marvin) graduated with Billie Jo. Sam passed on to me her contact information; and we did connect last summer...again, for a brief visit.

What do we have in common? We will learn as we become reacquainted. For now, we share precious memories of 60 years ago, of each other's family, of making mud pies and paper dolls, birthday parties and valentines,...friendship!


Papa John said...

I can hardly wait!

G.Wyatt said...

How exciting! I can't wait to hear the stories!!!

Linda Judd said...

Oh, that's a precious story. I love the then and now photos, too!

I know I've really been blessed by becoming reacquainted with my grade-school pen-pal, Ruby. Funny thing is that after I found her, we discovered that she lives 5 minutes from my kids/granddaughter in the Houston area, and I live 10 minutes from her kids/grandkids, here in Albuquerque! That means we get to see each other every now and then. Friendships that last a lifetime are rare and wonderful. I hope you and Helen Marie had a bang-up great visit.