Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Challenge of 5 things...

Now she’s done it. Linda must know I cannot pass up an opportunity to fill out a form.
And to think, I am only one day late in posting my reply.

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago

1. Flew south to celebrate father-in-law’s 80th birthday. Boy…was he surprised when the voice behind him in the buffet line was John’s brother!
2. Shopped for Geoffrey’s automobile. That was an educational experience!
3. So educational, in fact, that I did the same for myself. Purchased my “little red wagon.”
4. Surprised by flower-bearing sons on our doorstep.
5. Offered my body for science.

5 Things On My To-Do List Today

1. Celebrate #5 granddaughter’s turning 7; only one more January birthday to go……this year.
2. Laundry.
3. Dust.
4. Catch up on news.
5. Check on a few folks wellbeing.

5 Snacks I Like

1. Nuts.
2. Tillamook cheese and Fuji apple.
3. A good guacamole dip.
4. Snickers.
5. Popcorn.

5 Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire

1. Help some great missionaries such as Ben and Juliana, Jay Don and Mary Lee, Martins.
2. Buy a harp for granddaughter #1 and pay for her lessons.
3. Become a snow bird.
4. Hire a housekeeper.
5. Pave our driveway.

5 Places I Have Lived (For Various Lengths Of Time)

1. Dexter, New Mexico (3 years)
2. Tucson, Arizona (4 years)
3. Corcoran, California (1 year)
4. Frankel City, Texas ( 2 years)
5. Juneau, Alaska (20 years)

5 Jobs I Have Had

1. Alaska Bureau of Vital Statistics – clerk/registrar.
2. Salesclerk and licensed corsetiere.
3. Secretary to the Dean of Fisheries, University of Alaska – Juneau.
4. Secretary and Editorial Assistant – NOAA’s Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory.
5. Substitute teacher.

5 People I Tag (to post a "5 Things . . . " list on their blog)

1. Kristi
2. Anita
3. Alice
4. Jane
5. Prisca

1 comment:

Linda Judd said...

Betty, I enjoyed your list. Thanks for playing along ;-) I didn't know about the jobs you had held. Learned something new.