Friday, July 11, 2008

What's that you say?

Because PJ (Papa John) was sitting right next to the phone, he answered it. I could hear only his side of the conversation.


PJ Hello.


PJ Who is this?


PJ Well, it's nice to hear your voice. Are you calling to talk to me?


PJ Great!


PJ You lost your what?


PJ You lost your Keesh? What is a keesh?


PJ You lost your Kiss? How did you do that?


PJ Oh...You lost your keys. Car keys? House keys?


PJ Not your keys? You lost your what?


PJ I don't know what keesh is..


After several minutes...

PJ Well. Thank you for calling. I hope you find your keesh. Maybe your mother knows where it is.



PJ to me -- That was our granddaughter, and she says she lost her keesh. I don't know why she called to tell me that. I don't even know what that conversation was about.

BW We have been watching that loose tooth for four days..

PJ Do you think that's what she lost?

BW I'll betcha...

Patty adds this thought: "Check out my blog for the snaggle-toothed surprise!"

1 comment:

Patty said...

Check out my blog for the snaggle-toothed surprise!