Sunday, June 10, 2007


I know the world is watching our family's blog for word of the wedding. Let me just say every detail was thot out by someone other than us, and though communication was difficult with cell phones being out of reach, etc, the happy couple drove off to somewhere nearby since that is the makeup of this wonderland called Juneau.

We have sat in the home of our dear friends and watched a mother whale and her calf, eagles by the score, boats, planes, too much to take in. I'm certain you will hear LOTS more when folks get to their own computers and networks. Suffice it to say, we have been blessed by God beyond belief this entire visit.

Edwin, Patty, girls, with his mom and her hubby leave today; also Paige and all of Dana's kin.
John and I leave for Sitka in the morning for a 2-day visit. I will do a reading of Jessie selections tomorrow and a signing on Tuesday, both in the Pioneer Home where Jessie lived.

Meanwhile, Geoffrey and Dana will be preparing to head to Skagway tomorrow to begin the drive south.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for remembering all of us who just couldn't be there in person for one reason or another ... so happy to hear that everything went off without any major hitches. Brenda

Anonymous said...

I miss your faces!
Hope you are having a wonderful "vacation" (?)
Drive safe